Our Panama Canal transit and… The Pacific!

Panama Canal Transit and … the Pacific

Finally, after a very long waiting list we transited the Panama Canal. Together with Sue, with Jack and Sol, and don’t forget Poki the cameraman and maker of this movie. A top quality movie!

Poki filmed our Panama Canal Transit. More from Poki on https://vimeo.com/user1230810/videos

The very moment that you see this, we – Pierrot and me- have already set sail for the Pacific, a near 4000 miles route, to the little islands of Gambier in the South Eastern area. The first 800 miles will be challenging , with wind stills and countercurrents. We could even be entangled in the Galapagos Islands…..
You can follow us daily on https://fossilfreearoundtheworld.org/map-where-we-are-now-position-of-the-ya/