Brown and hairy; good food in Suriname

Wherever we go, we try to discover as much local fruit and vegetables as we can. In Spain and Portugal we were amazed by finding good food during our walks. In Suriname, we found amazing brown and hairy fruit and more. 

On the market in Paramaribo, some of the fruit did not look appealing. Like the sapodilla fruit in the front. But we tried it anyhow.
Brown and hairy from the outside, it’s gorgeously sweet inside.
And while Europeans only know coconuts as brown and hairy
….when they are fresh you would not recognize them….
…..because then they are smooth and yellowish.
And as Dave showed us, you can drink the juice once you sliced open the coconut.

Of course there’s also plants that look as if you can eat them.

Like these pretty calabash in Bendekonde, that contain an enormous inedible nut inside and serve only for decoration and functional purposes…
but look somewhat like this small “pompelmoes” (citrus maxima or pomelo), with its delicious citrus fruit inside.
Depending on how ripe the fruit is….
you lose almost 1/5 of its size when you peel it! 
Sweeter than grapefruit, good structure, enchanting colours, keeps for weeks:
pompelmoes might be our favorite fruit!

Our most intriguing fruit was the awarra or bush-gum:

We collected these awarras during our jungle-tour

We ate most of them right away: take off the crown and scrape with your lower teeth from the other end to the top. Chew and enjoy the rich, soursweet taste, spit out the hairy bits.

For conservation, we took of the peel and sugared them. This way we can keep them for weeks.

And we learned how to like the bitter sopropo.

Slice and put in water with salt for a few hours, rinse and prepare with other strong tasts.
The same treatment goes well for the white tomatoes or antroewa’s.

The best recipes for Suriname food and ways to prepare fruit and vegetables can be easily found. Take a look, because with roots in Indian, Indonesian, Chinese and West-African, Dutch, Jewish and Chinese cooking there’s always something you will like.  

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A jungle tour on the Suriname river and more

The deeper into a country, the better.
In Suriname this means you end up in the jungle. So we went as far as we could.

This time, we left ‘Ya’ to make a 300 km ride by car, and then a 100 km ‘ride’ in a longboat through the jungle on the Suriname river. There, we slept in a little house to complete our tour over land.

Check it all out in this movie.

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