Ya meets soulmates from Sailink

We are on our way on our Fossil Free Around the World-trip! On Ya’s first night in Rye, UK, we met Jim Duerden of Mago Merlino and Andrew Simons of Sailink.

Mago Merlino leaving Rye, Andrew Simons from Sealink on deck, Jim Duerden safely steering through the shallow water
Mago Merlino leaving Rye, Andrew Simons from Sailink on deck, Jim Duerden safely steering through the shallow water

We found out we have mutual friends: the Tres Hombres. Andrew actually works on the new project, the Ecoclipper. During a great Moroccan-style diner to which we both contributed, we discussed our plans for the future. Andrew got the briljant idea to set up a new way of connecting people and places through sailing. He found Jim, a skilled sailing instructor and one of the few to teach on Catamarans also enthusiastic for the project. What could be nicer than travelling from the north coast of France to the south coast of England by sail? They are looking for ways to have a regular schedule so it gets really easy to book for the trip as well. Check them out at www.sailink.eu!

In Rye, to our great delight, we also met with our friend Philip, who sailed with us to Calstock. We’ll tell you more in one of our next blogs.

The Ya departs

The Ya departs from the berth of the Clean Wave Foundation at Burdaard, Fryslan, Netherlands for the fossil free circumnavigation . COVID regulations forbid festivities, but the papers write about it.

Brunton’s Propellers sponsors with the Parasailor for the Autoprops

We are very glad that Brunton’s Propellers contributes to  the fossilfree world tour. Two of their Autoprops are under the ‘Ya’. These propellers are the solution, first to get the most efficient generation to the dynamos. Secondly, they are very efficient when we use them for propulsion, far better than most props. And third, when we don’t use them, they automatically go in the feathering position and  give the least resistance.

The Autoprops are extremely efficient, in propulson and generation. They make the hydrogenation work on our 34 feet sailing yacht. In light winds the Ya simply sails to slow to make any prop work, even the Autoprops. The Parasailor is big, steady an reliable sail that will solve this problem. With its special wing it is an innovation. Laurens Morel is invited to make pictures of the Ya sailing the Parasailor. We will keep you posted.

From Duurzaam Jacht to Fossil Free Around the World

Once upon a time, it was far far away, in a tiny little country called The Netherlands, there was a sailor who wanted to build a yacht that could sail self-supporting. Be off grid. Endlessly. No diesel needed. No petrol, no gas, just by generating your own energy. No water from hoses ashore, but rainwater caught by the deck. Living by the wind.

He gathered some enthusiastic people. They formed a team. Sponsors supported the project. All of this happened in the Netherlands. A ‘Duurzaam Jacht’ (Sustainable Yacht) was designed, developed and built. Hi-tech and low-tech, and everything ‘from the shelf. So many people followed this. This stage ended by baptising the Sustainable Yacht and she was called ‘Ya’.

The Ya drew a lot of attention, of people and press. Every Dutchman, sailor or landlubber, wanted to know how it was done. The Ya became a real demonstration yacht. She was invited to boat shows, events, conferences, and also to the international Dutch Maritime Museum in Rotterdam. This yacht has demonstrated successfully that everybody can sail a sustainable yacht and any wharf can build it. Over and over. It is time for a new phase.

From a demo yacht the Ya has grown to a fossil free sailing globetrotter. The Ya sails from the Netherlands to Mother Earth, by sailing her around. Summer 2020 the yacht will sail fossil free around the world and continues doing so till 2025. On every shore we exchange tips and tricks about sustainable living, because there is still an awful lot to learn. We are looking for local projects. Please mail us if you think of a possible one.

We also have a growing international interest. So we switch our communication from Dutch to English. We created the website www.fossilfreearoundtheworld.org. Have a look around. Please contact us if you have questions or you want to know about details.