Vegan around the world

Anna and Stig invited us aboard Ziganka III and told us all about how they love sailing and visiting places that are off the beaten track, like Gambier. We both love slow sailing.

We discussed how COVID influenced our decisions to embark on our journeys differently. Anna and Stig postponed their trip to July 2022. During COVID, Anna wrote a truly beautiful book on vegan cooking.

Anna and Stig on board of Ziganka III. Anna proudly shows her cookbook over a great vegan lasagna

Anna’s first cookbook: Vegan cuisine of the Alpes

Being a real sportswoman who loves hiking, cycling and climbing, she dedicated the book to the traditional cuisine of the Alpes. She turned her 100 favorite dishes into new classics: the vegan version. Stig was happy to be her guinnee pig, so all recipes are tested on live human beings and all the pictures in the book are of real food, in their kitchen in Munich.

Before visiting Ziganka III, we went to Tauna Beach to watch the sunset

On board of Ziganka III she explains that it is relatively easy to replace basic recipes with vegan options. And, if you do that, you can always add non-vegan ingredients for vegetarians or flexitarians. The pictures in the book look appetizing and invite you to explore this new way of cooking. A great accomplishment!

A second cookbook

After Anna and Stig set sail in 2022, she started working on her second cookbook. However, this time she wrote it together with her colleague and friend Lena Reichgardt. Lena was at the time training for the Ironman in Hawaii. The theme of the book: Vegan Sports Cuisine. In the book, they introduce the reader to recipes that make it possible to train hard and still get enough protein and all the other nutrients. Just so you know: Lena Reichgardt finished the Ironman in Hawaii 2023, on a vegan diet.

The cover of Anna’s second cookbook: even tough sports are possible on a vegan diet

Towards vegan cooking

Anna gave us some tips for introducing vegan elements in our lifestyle:

  • Use whole products like nuts, grains, seeds, fruit, veggies, beans etc.
  • Add enough fat use avocado, nuts, coconutmilk, olive oil etc.
  • Add enough flavor to your dishes. Depending on the dish you can think of green herbs, capers, dried tomatoes, dried mushrooms, smoked paprika powder, yeast flakes, miso, lemon, jalapeƱo, garlic, harissa, tahini, mint, kimchi.
  • And if you go ‘all vegan’ you need to watch your B12; supplements are easily availably around the world, even in toothpaste.