Our seas bear a new sustainable cargo vessel, the Tukker. It is an Ecoclipper. This sailing vessel is seriously bigger than the first sailing cargo ship of this century, the Tres Hombres. Instead of wood, the skin and construction are made from steel. She is rigged with three masts, with a lot of sails. Check the picture, she’s looking gorgeous with her light wind sails up, isn’t she?

The ports of call
The shipping company of the Ecoclipper has built up a network of agencies and loaders. The Tukker sails a route to and from a number of ports, to get and deliver the cargo. Wine, chocolate, herbs, whatever. She holds a 70 – 80 tons cargo.

Also some passengers – be part of it!
Just like on the old-fashioned cargo ships, where you could get a bunk bed, there is also some place on the Tukker to sail along. Every sailed on a sailing ship? No sudden heavy motions, like on a cargo ship running on an engine. The Tukker takes wind and waves in a natural way. And, no pollution, so you save the air, the oceans.
Just check the schedule on the site www.ecoclipper.org and see if there is place.
There is place for trainees – be part of it!

The future

Jorne Langelaan is the founder of Ecoclipper. He was just a boy when he started as a deckhand and quickly he worked himself up in the merchant shipping till the highest rank as Master All Ships. He is co-founder of Fair Transport, builder and designer of the Tres Hombres, the first cargo sailing ship of the 21st century, which he also navigated as a captain over the oceans. If one man on Mother Earth has a vision on the future on sailing cargo, it is Jorne.
“Now we experience the first stage of a new way of cargo shipping. We see a growing number of small sailing ships for cargo. It will grow. Now, with the Tukker, we sail the seas, like the North Sea. But step by step there will be longer lines, with more and also larger ships. A global cargo sailing network.”

Jorne Langelaan already designed the Ecoclipper 500, a 50 meter sailing cargo ship for ocean shipping.